Who We Are
THE SWORD MINISTRIES (TSM) is based on a verse from Ephesians 6:17, where The Word of God is symbolized as being the Sword of the Spirit. Truth is like a sword; equally effective as a means of defense and offense against falsehood
THE FOUNDER AND PIONEER of TSM, Francois Blouin, is an expositor of the Scriptures, bringing Biblical teaching and preaching to congregations in Canada and internationally Francois Blouin was blessed to have studied the Scriptures from a Jewish perspective under the direction of Arnold Fruchtenbaum, Ph.D., founder of Ariel Ministries.

Francois, is currently completing his Master of Theology degree while concurrently working on his Doctorate of Ministry in Jewish Studies.
THE PURPOSE OF TSM is to teach the Word of God contextually and from a Jewish frame of reference. Its intent is to provide believers with a solid Biblical foundation, encouraging them to deepen their roots in the knowledge of the Word, and to bring application in their daily lives.Individuals related to The Sword Ministries such as: board members, supporters, or any other groups may be from a variety of denominational backgrounds. However, the organization itself is non-denominational.
Our History
EARLY DAYSIt all began when Francois Blouin was given the privilege to study the Word of God from a Jewish perspective with Ariel Ministries. He thought about a way to effectively dedicate the rest of his years to service and mission. While deeply involved in this program he then was given a burden and a heart to make this teaching available to those with limited means and flexibility. In his mind Sword Ministries was already unofficially launched.Throughout the years and under the Spirit’s guiding, doors were opened to begin Bible studies in different Correctional Institutions throughout British Columbia on a voluntary basis. Operating on the basis of faith was always and is still today an uncompromising matter to this Ministry. While entrusted with this vision Francois undertook part-time employment to be able to offer the teaching free of charge. After years of dedicated service in these circumstances, the founder decided to seek advice from different people involved in similar ministries. They unanimously agreed that it was time for this Ministry to become a non-profit organization under the Society Act of British Columbia.INCORPORATION AS A SOCIETYOn March 16th 2009, the first meeting of the steering committee was held to prepapre for inorporation as a Canadian Charitable Society. TSM became a recognized Charitable Society in 2013.
What we believe
We believe that the Scriptures are the inspired Word of God; that inspiration of the original autographs was plenary and verbal and, hence, the sixty-six books of the Bible are inerrant; that it is the sole authority for faith and practice in all matters to which it speaks.
We believe there is one God eternally existing in three persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit; that all three possess equally all the same attributes, nature, perfections, and characteristics of personality.
The Deity of Christ
We believe in the full deity of the Lord Jesus Christ who always was and will be God and did not cease to be God at the incarnation.
The First Advent
We believe that the Man Christ Jesus was conceived by the Holy Spirit; that He was born of the virgin Mary; that He possesses both a divine and human nature both distinct and unmixed; that He was without sin; that He died a penal substitution for the sin of all men; that He was buried; that He arose on the third day in the same but glorified body in which He lived and died; that He ascended to the right hand of God the Father; that by His death He provided atonement for all men, but it is applied only to those who believe.
The Present Session
We believe that the God-Man Jesus Christ now sits at the right hand of God the Father; that He functions as the High Priest for all believers ever making intercession for them.
The Second Advent
We believe in the personal and physical and bodily return of Christ for the Church and for Israel.

Chassidim at the Western Wall
What is the meaning of the word “Chassidim”?

The Remnants of the Pool of Siloam
These are the remnants of the Pool of Siloam. What special miracle of Yeshuaoccured at this pool?

Garden of Gethsemane
What did the cup represent that Yeshua asked His Father to take from Him, but only if it was the Father’s will?

Shiloh was the home of the Tabernacle.Is it true that Shiloh is located in the center of the country?